Keystone (Junior) College

Great Reunion III - October 17 & 18, 2008

Our sincere thanks to the staff in Alumni Outreach and Institutional Advancement for a great weekend.

Pictures from The Weekend
(Click on Thumbnail below to see larger copy - "Back" to return here)

New Site for our Fun

We remember KJC, but celebrate KEYSTONE COLLEGE

Great Decorations

Enough to feed an army

Fruit "just in case"

Names below - you figure everyone out!

Group Shot, No. 2

Dennis and "the staff", from left Beth Miller, Iris Horne, Jessica West and Sharon Burke.

Janet filling in "the rest of the story"

Wayne, Bonnie, Carol, Kevin, Frank and Ginny

General Grouping

The Gang

Were we this tipsy?

Pete & Susan Cairo

Ron Trexler, Joe Sadowsky, Denny Coffinberger

Scott & Connie

Jeanne, Connie, Colleen, Janet

Scott & Connie 2

Scott, Connie, Joe, Ron and Jeanne

General group

Bonnie, Kevin, Janet, Ginny, Jeanne

Chocolate Heaven

Front of Campus, compliments of the Class of 1914

Classes of '53 and '58 on and behind truck

Downtown Factoryville

Where has Pengalli's gone?

Grace Brown on the Bridge

Line Em Up

Thanks, Veterans, for bearing the colors

Here's the new KC Mascot

Cuter than the Phanatic?

Scottish pipes led the way

Factoryville Cub Scouts

Keystone Cheerleaders

Keystone Cheerleaders

Downtown part of the parade

Great Reunion Banner and Walkers

Denny, Trex and Marlo

Enough Said!!

Gathering of the "Clan" at the end of the parade

We called the "Day Hops"

Always creative Art Society

Art Society

Art Society

Art Society

Ecology Club

Homecoming Court

Tricky Dick returns to KC

Service Clubs

History of Sports

Ward Hall Reigns

Wrestling Club

No more than 3 at a time on the bridge!

Always beautiful

Nice spot for a beer keg!

Behind Campus, toward Athletic fields

That's the soccer field in the background

Color just beginning to turn

Nichols Village - sold to an overseas company!!

Ginny Kemmerer's Aunt attend Keystone Academy - her pin (from 1898)

Back of same pin. FYI, Kemmerer Library was named for this family

Grave of Ginny's Great Aunt.

Tony and Brenda had a conflict but were with us in spirit

Brenda, Tony and Ruth

Entire gang. Find them from the names below!!

Saturday night formal shot.

Keystone Graduates only

Kate, Christina and support were there ALL THE WAY!!


Thanks to everyone who came for all or part of the weekend. We plan to gather "Officially" in 2013 at the Homecoming / Family Weekend (if the 3rd weekend, it will be October 18 & 19).  Mark your calendar now.

Class of 67 Class of 68 (alpha order) Class of 69
Pat Ransom Frank & Grace Brown
Pete & Susan Cairo
Colleen Rowland Casciari
Jack & Anne Vastine Childs
Bonnie Etschman Childs
Dennis & Marlo Coffinberger
Scott & Colleen Ruland Fitzsimmons
Ginny Kemmerer Frechette
Jeanne M. Greuter
Claus & Ruth Grossman LaRocca
Sammy Piccolo
Joe Sadowsky
Ron Trexler
Janet Lembo D'Andrea
Carol Reilly McCrea & Wayne Morse
Kevin McCann
Others of IMPORT
Sue Hunter
Alumni Dir 67-69
Marisa Steinas
 Alumni Dir for GR 1 & 2
Christina Fenton-Mace
Current Dir of Alumni Outreach
Kate Dempsey-Jones
Dir of Advancement Programs
Beth Miller
Iris Horne
Jessica West
Sharon Burke
Guy Calcerano
VP Development &
Alumni Relations
  Martha Frechette
Daughter of Ginny
Photographer Extraordinaire!