Regional History Information
Distinguished District Results - 1974 - 2010

Regional Reports

See the results of the Distinguished District Program for the time period from 1974 to 2010. Note that prior to 1977, there were more requirements to achieve Distinguished Status (e.g. you were required to have a 40 member club). The tables for each Region include the Districts across the top and the years down the left side. Bold print denotes a Distinguished district (P for PDD, S for SDD, D for DD). The number is the final ranking.

NOTE: This reporting is strictly a listing of the final rankings on the TAR report and not the ranking of the Distinguished clubs. Therefore, in some years districts are ranked higher but are not identified as Distinguished. The ranking TI might have given would be the ranking of those achieving Distinguished District status. My listing, again, only lists the final numerical ranking of the districts.

 In 2010, the last year with the original 8 regionals and the Overseas were reported. Starting next year, I'll have an option on this page for the pre-2011 reports and the 2011 and later reports. The 2nd option will reflect the 14 regions that make up Toastmasters. Other notes of interest in the development of the DDP include:

1977 Introduction of the 4 Critical Success Factors

1979 Introduction of the Select Distinguished District Recognition

1980 First year data maintained for the "overseas" districts. No one has, to our knowledge, this data

1983 District 75 established

1990 District 27 formed from District 36; District 12 formed from Founders District

1993 District 34 established

1993 Per Capita goal is eliminated from Critical Success Factor Goal. Districts identified with an asterisk (*) in front of their ranking in 1993 are districts recognized as distinguished, meeting the modified goals but not the original goals for per capita growth.

1994 District 51 established

1995 Regional structure modified, moving Districts 22 and 63 to Region V. They are shown in Region V even though they were part of Region III and Region VIII respectively.

1996 District 51 is ranked #5, after a great year of club and member growth. However, because they did not achieve their CTM goal, they are not recognized as PDD. Therefore, all the districts ranked below them moved up in the recognition categories (i.e. the 13th ranked district is SDD.) This is why my numbers do not, perhaps, match your recognition level.

1997 ATM goal is eliminated from Critical Success Factor Goal. Districts identified with an asterisk (*) in front of their ranking in 1997 are those recognized as distinguished, meeting the modified goals.

1998 District 55 formed from District 56

2000 Welcome to Districts 59, 67 and 76!!
2004 Districts 29 and 48 merge into District 77; Districts 17, 20 and 41 merge into District 78. District 79 established.
2007 - 50 of 78 districts distinguished for 64% achievment rate. Even the 70th ranked district by points is distinguished!

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  • Updated: October 12, 2010